Friday, February 24, 2012

I'm sad but I'll be okay

Well, I guess announcing a pregnancy before twelve weeks is really a bad luck omen. On Wednesday night, when I got home from my "birthday date" with KiKi, I found blood in my panties. At first, I wasn't sure if it was normal, then I realized the color (bright red) is not normal during pregnancy. I called the on call nurse at the clinic who so nicely advised me that "she couldn't give me medical advice and I needed to go to the emergency room. So thirty minutes later, I found myself at the University of New Mexico Hospital. At first, we didn't go straight to the emergency room, we went up stairs to OB Triage, but since I didn't have a pregnancy test on file I had to walk down to the E.R. and have one done. It took all of five minutes for me to get checked in, and get the cup to pee in. I went to the bathroom, which is conveniently place in the middle of the waiting room where all the "sickies" are hacking up a lung or two and the drunks are vomiting all over. *gag* So I get in there, do my business as fast as I can, and wash up. I walk back out, give them my pee and sit down by the doors I came in. Now it's a waiting game. I'm not cramping badly, but here and there it starts to ache. I waited a while and then I see a nurse with a white stick, Oh good, they are doing the test so I can go upstairs. My stomach drops when I see her call over three other nurses to confirm. Uh oh... Then they come and say that the test was negative. My heart falls. That means my HCG didn't rise like it was supposed to. That also means I have to stay in the ER and wait just like everyone else. Charles and Soraya were waiting out by the cafe, since we thought it was only going to be 15 minutes and we'd go back upstairs. He came in a few minutes after they told me the test was negative, and sat with me until I got called back for the screening. After that, the nurses asked us if we wanted to move into the children's ER waiting room, since we had Soraya with us. I don't know how long we were in there but I know that I got called back to be seen by a doctor at 0614. The staff was very nice, and explained everything that was being done before it was done. I had more blood work and an exam done, then a two part ultrasound done. The tech looked at my uterus, ovaries and the area where fluid builds up by the kidneys. About a half hour later, the Director (head doctor?) came in and confirmed my suspicions. I had indeed miscarried. She also said that the ultrasound showed that the pregnancy was not healthy and that there was no longer a sac. She said that that had to do one more test, which was the RH compatibility test to make sure that my body did not attack the baby. Thankfully, they used pediatric needles, because I was bruising from the clinic using the big needles (I had been poked 4 times already). She came back a few minutes around 0843 to tell that I would be discharged soon. By that time I was so exhausted I didn't really care about anything but going home. About 10 minutes later, the doctor came in to give me my discharge instructions, and some information about miscarriages. He told me that, I should wait six months and let my body completely heal before trying again. Then he let me put my clothes back on, and walked me back out to the desk/waiting area where Charles and Soraya were waiting. Charles went to get the car. On the way home we stopped by the PRP office, so I could sign the papers that would temporarily suspend me. Charles dropped Soraya off at daycare, so that I could rest. Unfortunately the cramping picked up and I could not sleep even after taking 400mg of Ibuprofen. So what did I do? I went to the clinic to get that 800mg Ibuprofen. The appointment was really quick, Captain Florence gave me three days quarters and told me to come back on Monday. The line for the pharmacy however, was all the way around the room. Yikes! When I finally got the medication it was about 1405, and I headed home to get some rest.

I think I slept for ten or so hours, and it felt good. I was really bummed about miscarrying, but I am doing okay. I just am not looking forward to telling everyone that I lost the baby, especially since a lot of people were really excited for us. :/

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