Monday, March 19, 2012

Charles knows, but does not seem worried at all... Or If he is he's not showing it. I am going to take a test on Wednesday when I wake up, if Aunt Flo doesn't show up.

I am trying so hard not to stress, but it is so hard.

If I am I have to go to the doctors A.S.A.P. and get all the crap started, but I don't want to tell my leadership again.

I don't want to hear the comments. I know what they are going to say, and I know they are going to talk about me behind my back. I know they do, I've been told by a reliable source.

Really there are only two other NCO's on my flight I can trust. Now, you may ask why can't you trust the others?

Here's why: They are a part of a "click" that includes all but three NCOs, and they have their secret meetings which deliberately leaves those three NCO's out. I can't trust them to keep my problems/issues on a need to know basis.

Did I mention that no less than three hours after I told only two people I was pregnant, and I wanted to keep it on the "down low" (for right now anyways) the whole flight pretty much knew.

Really, Guys!?!

Oh wait I get it, my business is the flight's business!! Is that how it goes?


I was hurt that, despite specifically asking this person not to say anything, he said something. I know who it was because at that point only two people knew and one was my supervisor.

Looks like my plan of action is to only let my supervisor know what is going on.

Anyways on to something else....

I am getting my butt whopped in Words with Friends. I am I am playing my aunt Gail and in the last few game the scores have been like 388-123.

Right now, the scores are not too bad 112-94, 199-139 and 96-89.

We are starting a business, from home and I need pick a niche of items to sell. Charles is going to be selling boxing items that other places (shoes and stuff) do not carry.

The coach said that if you go on GoogleAdwords and use the keyword tool, you can find out how much traffic a certain niche gets. He said that over 2,000 hits is good, but you don't want to be too broad though.

/sigh I do not have a clue what I want to sell.

Oh. In six more months (2 cycles) I will be eligible for orders overseas... Whoop! Not that I think I will get them. It would be nice to get to see more places. I can't remember what is exactly on my list, but I know Mildenhall, United Kingdom and Kadena,Japan were both on my preference sheet this last time when the listing came out.

Well,I am pretty hungry, so I'm going to say goodbye for now.

<3 Love you all! <3

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